Securing Businesses Worldwide
from the threat of targeted cyber-attacks.
Our Business
Our Business
Cythereal’s purpose is to secure businesses worldwide from the rising threat of targeted cyber-attacks, so they can focus on what they do best – run their business.
Our vision is to neutralize the attacker’s asymmetric advantage by extracting intelligence from the attacker’s failed attempts using most recent advances in mathematical and statistical reasoning.
Our mission is to be the leader in predicting and preventing advanced malware based attacks by leveraging code sharing and reuse in malware. .
Our products and services are founded on over a decade of research funded by US Department of Defense and independently evaluated by MIT Lincoln Labs.
Defend Against Advanced Cyber Threats
Detect Breaches
Respond To Incidents Faster
Empower Businesses And Organizations
Contact Cythereal
Lafayette, LA 70506
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(504) 615-4491
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